Archive for January, 2012

I am Unlimited!


I went to watch Wicked on Sunday – it over whelmed me in parts, bored me in parts. Here are some photos of the set I managed to sneak in.

A reminder


I like to say technology and Steve Jobs introduced me to The Beatles. In 2005, I had just completed a month at Google, I chanced upon Manan Singhi’s music library on iTunes. (ITunes libraries can be shared among users on a common LAN and we used to try and get to work early so that […]

Sister, sister


My sister and I were playing the fool on the day my parents and her were supposed to fly back to Bombay.

My mother and younger sister had a fight. I took this photograph with my smartphone and I am still laughing over it. Here they are sulking in their respective corners. HILLARIOUS family drama.

The coffee table contains various paraphernalia that will be all thrown into my bag when I leave for work.

Culture Clash


Living in Singapore, helps adorn the Christmas tree with not just the traditional bauble, but also testaments to the wonderful cultures we are lucky to be immersed in. Here is a dragon and a fish for good luck.

How did you welcome the new year? Was there color?   Were there fireworks? Were you surrounded by loved ones? Happy New Year everyone!