Archive for January, 2008

I mean, seriously. Heath Ledger’s death has got to be the last straw. The first month of the year has been totally crappy. Totally. Crappy. Okay, granted Sevster has come back from her travels in Sydney. And I did get to watch this fantastic crazy film called Across the Universe. But hold on. That’s two […]


I know I have to stop acting like a moony eyed moron. As Seva says, he didn’t give you great vibes as a person, so why do you have to let it affect you so much? While all the words of encouragement and support are greatly appreciated, I have to give myself time to heal. […]


So what is pain? When he says he has met someone else, and that this is it and they really want it to work? Or when he casually sends an IM on GTalk and says he has met another girl?