Posts Tagged ‘Friends’

Ever since I was a kid, I had this idea I would have a large friend circle and hang out and do lots of fun things together. To my 14 year old self, having lots of friends was the epitome of coolness and how other people perceived me. As time went along, my friend circle […]

Last week, a colleague distributed these gorgeous papery pink roses to celebrate Chinese Valentines Day. A friend of mine jokingly thus said: The Chinese have their own version of everything. So true!

I went to Bangkok on a work trip but I managed to sneak in some temple time with my friends. Here’s a slideshow of the city I can call home, that’s closer to Singapore than Guwahati.

To my friend, Jon. I will miss you. But I hope B-School in the US treats you well, and you learn much. Till next time. xoxoxoxo

I am no stranger to pain. I have faced it throughout my lifetime. Pain and disappointment are just two of the life-suck things that do not seem to leave me alone. The first instinct is to run away when faced with a situation that threatens to overwhelm. Guilt and fury at God for putting me […]



Once, in Calcutta, on our way back home from school, I was chilling with my fellow cab mates when the oldest of them had this sudden idea to narrate a joke. I don’t remember what the joke was after all these years. But I do remember it warranted her suddenly slapping me. Right across my […]



I was half asleep when I received that one text message bidding me goodbye. All I felt at that time was a faint sense of annoyance, rejection, and strangely relief. And when I found out (as usual, through someone else), that he had gotten himself engaged (and soon married), I probably cried just for the […]

When you look at me, it feels like we are in our own private conversation. Everything around us ceases. It’s just you and me. And when you disapprove, it feels like my heart is breaking, it hurts too much. And everything around us seems so overwhelming. I want to say I am sorry. For being […]


Just when I thought you were different, you would never shout, or be malicious, or non-understanding. You say something that cuts like a whip, deeply and very painfully.

Love Story 2


How is it that even though you are talking to someone else, hands playing around with your smartphone, laughing at someone else’s jokes, how is it that when you are doing all those things, and I walk by, not even looking over at you, that I feel the warmth of your smile, and the lingering […]