Posts Tagged ‘Singapore’

Last week, a colleague distributed these gorgeous papery pink roses to celebrate Chinese Valentines Day. A friend of mine jokingly thus said: The Chinese have their own version of everything. So true!

I swear, I am not being dramatic or trying to act cute. Due to forest clearing in Indonesia, all the smoke was blown towards Singapore. Long story short, the pollutants in the air crossed the hazardous mark, I was sick with shortness of breath and I dreamed of fresh oxygen. I was also frightened and […]



This reminded me of a rather bulky spaceship. And they swim incredibly fast. Once, one of these deadly but ethereally gorgeous creatures stung my baby sister. She didn’t stop bawling for hours. Poor kid.

Splendor of ended day floating and filling me. – Walt Whitman, Song at Sunset

The past couple weeks rushed by. In between celebrating birthdays for beloved colleagues and friends, spending three days on a gorgeous ship for a work off site, fitting almost all of us in an elevator, complaining about the haze that enveloped Singapore today, I still found some seconds to apply some red lipstick. Have a […]



This angel fish belonged to a colleague of mine. Unfortunately, Lumpy the fish developed a rather cancerous tumor in the shape of a lump (hence the moniker). He passed away a month ago but he was quite a brave little fish. He battled on longer than we expected. Lump aside, he was quite a gorgeous […]

Living in Singapore has made the music lover in me very happy. I have watched some amazing concerts  where talent clearly shows (Richard Marx), some concerts for which I had high expectations but came away under whelmed (Lady Gaga), a wonderful Beatles homage band that made me dance with a thousand other people and transported […]

Sometimes after a client meeting, I walk back to work. Many of our media agencies and advertisers have offices in the Central Business District, mostly within walkable distance to our office tower. During the day, some of the walks are on quite lovely routes.

In the 2+ years I have been in Singapore, I haven’t been to a single Chinese wedding, or any wedding if you want to get pedantic. Which I usually get. Shaun and Sofie very kindly sent me this cute young invite to their wedding lunch: I was really excited to be invited and I could […]

Singapore taxis are a species by themselves. When you absolutely die-die want one, they are whizzing past, mysteriously occupied.  When you don’t want one, their waiting queues can reach up to 3 blocks. They change shifts during rush hour and amazingly, none of them want to leave the business district between 6-7 pm.  They inexplicably […]