Posts Tagged ‘Photos’

Useless Sayings


There are so many emo sayings out there accompanied by an even more emo picture, usually of a playful puppy or a girl crying on the cliff of a bloody mountain I decided to come up with my own useless saying. The photo I chose is so apt since these are jellyfish in red flight […]

I went to Bangkok on a work trip but I managed to sneak in some temple time with my friends. Here’s a slideshow of the city I can call home, that’s closer to Singapore than Guwahati.



For watching birds take flight by the river with close friends… For being given the chance to see views like this… For my sisters (no matter how much they can annoy me at times) What are you grateful for?

Tokyo, 2010


I just came back from Tokyo, and wow, what an experience it was. If I could, I would have walked, taken pictures, shopped, and taken in all the madness that is Tokyo all at the same time. I went to Tokyo on business and although it was a packed schedule, I managed to squeeze in […]

These shoes do for me what my last emergency bar of chocolate can’t. They help me get up and run on. And when I have a particularly bad day, they help me run over the heads of the people who choose to be annoying.If I want to skip a run, they stare at me balefully, […]

I had the busiest weekend I have had in years. I am going to skip the cold bits (spent in Delhi) and skip right to the warm Bombay fun bits. The night before, the family was all dressed up and looking sharp: The lady in black is my mom. She looks like she bit into […]