Joy is…


Getting a sudden window seat in a crowded bus.

Finding out AdMob has been acquired by Google. I did jumping jacks all over my living room squealing ‘OMG I am going to get my old email back’

Listening to the Singapore Philharmonic begin the opening bars of the Star Wars theme. It gave me goosebumps.

Watching Edward Watson dance. He makes ballet really come alive for me.


Attending vocal lessons and being coached by a wonderful teacher.

Being appreciated by my parents.

Finally getting my hands on a book after a long period of waiting.


Drinking tea made just the way I like it. (Black tea leaves brewed and sweet with a drop of cold milk)

Talking to clients and watching their faces light up when offered a solution.

Leaping in jete style with close friends by the river. (I did this and it was way more fun than I expected)

Watching awesome movies. (Pacific Rim, Iron Man, The Avengers)

Hearing great movie themes. And then imagining them to be the OST of your already awesome life.

Coming home to family.

One Response to “Joy is…”

  1. great
    i love your blog a lot.

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