Archive for February, 2012

Eaten at Meiling Hawker Center. The flavors of noodles, egg whites, shrimp, calamari, assorted spinach and vegetables fuse together to create a gastronomic delight of epic proportions. The perfect Saturday afternoon meal.

These are photos of our Karaoke room. The colors are so cheerful, it makes you want to sing and dance, and not slouch over a laptop 🙂

I went to Bangkok on a work trip but I managed to sneak in some temple time with my friends. Here’s a slideshow of the city I can call home, that’s closer to Singapore than Guwahati.

I had to wake up at an ungodly hour for a meeting a couple weeks ago. I was running late but I had to pause to take a couple photos of this beautiful sunrise. The skyscraper is what I pass on my way to Raffles MRT. It reminds me of how clean and organized Singapore […]

You smiled at a stranger? You gave up a seat for the elderly? You did not bargain with a roadside vendor? You thanked a waiter for his service? You bothered finding out the names of your cooks, drivers, domestic help? And their kids? When was the last time you ran with abandon? And got the […]

Every time I watch the very handsome Christopher Plummer choke through these words, I cry. I would like to sing for you now . . . a love song. I know you share this love. I pray that you will never let it die.

How many times has a ringing phone annoyed you during a movie, concert, whatever? Here’s a video on how a violinist handles it with humor and still continue entertaining.