Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

I will admit I am very confused. I heard two songs the past couple days. One of them was about sex. No surprise there. It was nasty, with terrible degrading lyrics, disrespectful to women. The video had topless women who Wikipedia claims are super models, lolling around (on a side note, I don’t understand why […]

The  rapidly ascending escalator moves quickly, and I get my first glimpse of the red jewel like lanterns dotting Chinatown’s skyscape. Tourists are walking about, vendors are patiently waiting by their store entrances. A young tourist suddenly makes eye contact with me – he is rather handsome and I blush. I look away but there […]

Some months ago, YouTube suggestions threw up something absolutely golden. It was a video by the Royal Opera House on the evolution of ballet and since then, there has been no looking back. I used to be a casual ballet follower, but now I am familiarizing myself with the art. And, that is a blog […]

Living in Singapore has made the music lover in me very happy. I have watched some amazing concerts  where talent clearly shows (Richard Marx), some concerts for which I had high expectations but came away under whelmed (Lady Gaga), a wonderful Beatles homage band that made me dance with a thousand other people and transported […]

I am not sure if the video will embed correctly via my Nexus but here’s hoping. Reading all those reviews about what a great song Adele’s Skyfall is (I mean come on, reviews were written based on a 90 second clip, crazy right) I was looking forward to listening to the song myself. And I […]

They most certainly haven’t forgotten how to do it. This performance was all kinds of awesome. With a great sense of humor.

How many times has a ringing phone annoyed you during a movie, concert, whatever? Here’s a video on how a violinist handles it with humor and still continue entertaining.

A reminder


I like to say technology and Steve Jobs introduced me to The Beatles. In 2005, I had just completed a month at Google, I chanced upon Manan Singhi’s music library on iTunes. (ITunes libraries can be shared among users on a common LAN and we used to try and get to work early so that […]

Jump and Move, The Brand New Heavies. This song brings back happy memories. And it’s from Happy Feet! The Song of the Heart, Prince Another song from the Happy Feet OST. A song by someone who calls himself Prince. The bass guitar, the cute kid voices in the front, the lazy but 123 beat. And […]

I am not ashamed to admit I sobbed like my heart was breaking when Mufasa, Emperor of the Pride Lands fell to his death, pushed by that awful Scar. And my 9 year old heart did break. It was one of the saddest things I had ever experienced. So when my 26 year old self […]