Archive for September, 2009

Simplify. Compartmentalize. Live happily. That’s my latest mantra. I have decided to create a simple Bucket List which is applicable for each week. I am more an in the moment than for the future kind of girl anyway. So, for September 29 to October 2, 2009: Go for a 1 hour walk if nothing else. […]

Science is comforting sometimes. Especially now. Logic, rationale, and Einstein’s theory of relativity have all come in handy to make me realize something. For all purposes, I live one life. I might as well make the most of it. Statistically, women tend to write more about their disastrous relationships and so called poignant love. I […]

Sometimes, without warning, despair and this sharp sense of missing you strikes. And then I have to stop whatever it is I am doing at the moment and just focus to will the pain away. And then when it abates for a while, I am left with acute loneliness and a hollow heart. Yet, hope […]

Film has provided fashion inspiration for audiences and fashion designers alike; costumes not only help create a character, but can spur real-life trends and runway looks. Click on the link below to see 15 of TCM’s 15 favorite fashion trendsetting movies:



WHEN will this bloody wait end? I can’t take it anymore.