Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category



Once, in Calcutta, on our way back home from school, I was chilling with my fellow cab mates when the oldest of them had this sudden idea to narrate a joke. I don’t remember what the joke was after all these years. But I do remember it warranted her suddenly slapping me. Right across my […]

Love Story 4


‘If I tell you, do you promise not to freak out?’ He nods silently, his hair gently rustled by the wind. I look away and look back right at him. And what I see steals my breath away. His dark intent gaze looks straight at me, makes me feel we are the only two people […]



When I was younger, I watched my friend shatter as she started a long tough battle with clinical depression. I could not handle the pressure of being there for her, and I may be judged as being a horrible friend, but I could not deal with the aimless crying, the constant tears, the letting go […]

Once upon a time, I dreamt a dream. It was a funny dream. Ambitious, yet amusing. It involved some drama and celebrities. It had good friends and hot sultry days in Bombay. There was Karl, Nadir, Toral, Zafar, Alyque, Rachel and Quasar. In my dream, I was on stage. At the NCPA. Looking up, as […]

Lighthouse Days


When I was 14 years old, we were posted in Visakhapatnam. I had a great group of friends and we would get burnt having spent all our time cycling, running around and walking in the hot sun. I remember how early in the morning, we would haphazardly grab some jam and cheese sandwiches, pump air […]



What would have happened if I hadn’t met you? No lying about things that did not happen No thinking I was better than what I was No quitting a comfortable job No dreaming of a life adventurous than what I was living No moving to Bombay No getting mauled by a drunk married boss No […]

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

So many names on my GTalk list. And I can’t ping even one of them at 3 am complaining about insomnia. Yet, there will be the usual hi what’s up instant messages that lose steam after the ‘nothing much.’ Non stop chatter on Twitter. A race to get as many followers as possible. A race […]

She can’t sleep. Every time her eyes close, images flit across, like a movie. The temper in his eyes, the raised voice, the stares of the other people. And then the audio track runs. ‘You mock me.’ ‘No respect for my time.’ ‘Pushing all my buttons.’ She turns over, all restless. And then an older […]

She occasionally stares out the window; the store logos in the corner of her eye. She watches the yellow and black autos line up at the signal crossing, resembling lady bugs, she thinks, only with different colors. In the distance, tall eucalyptus trees give off their evening scent. The air is heavy and it makes […]