Archive for July, 2011



Once, in Calcutta, on our way back home from school, I was chilling with my fellow cab mates when the oldest of them had this sudden idea to narrate a joke. I don’t remember what the joke was after all these years. But I do remember it warranted her suddenly slapping me. Right across my […]

The End.


I am going to pretend it never happened.

Love Story 4


‘If I tell you, do you promise not to freak out?’ He nods silently, his hair gently rustled by the wind. I look away and look back right at him. And what I see steals my breath away. His dark intent gaze looks straight at me, makes me feel we are the only two people […]

I follow some bloggers and their daily lives as they talk about hearth, home, family and love in their blogs. Some particularly interesting bloggers in this list are Dooce, The Pioneer Woman, and Mihow; all very interesting in their own way. I especially love The Pioneer Woman, her beautiful pictures and her funny and engaging […]



I was half asleep when I received that one text message bidding me goodbye. All I felt at that time was a faint sense of annoyance, rejection, and strangely relief. And when I found out (as usual, through someone else), that he had gotten himself engaged (and soon married), I probably cried just for the […]